Avengers #173

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  • Black Widow & Hercules Appearance. Korvac Saga
Published: July 1978
Comic Age: Bronze
Cover Price: $0.35
 Stories may contain spoilers

Iron Man recruits Captain Marvel, the Black Panther, Whizzer, Hercules, and the Black Widow. However, his ability to solve the mystery of their other vanished comrades is greatly hampered by the Avengers' loss of their special privileges. Elsewhere, the man called Michael uses his godlike abilities to ascertain that none of the great universal powers are as yet unaware of his existence, though discovering that his own mate may be plotting betrayal. Back at the Mansion, more Avengers vanish, until only Iron Man, Hawkeye, the Wasp, and Thor remain. From space, Major Astro is able to trace a radiation trail to a small orbiting craft. Teleporting the foursome there, they come face-to-face with their old foe, the Collector (Taneleer Tivan).
* "Diverse Hands Inks" Composed of Seven Inkers this Issue...