Beginning in 1979, the universe of GUNDAM spans over four decades, with many diverse tales of war in space and on Earth fought with giant robotic weapons called mobile suits. GUNDAM UNIVERSE commemorates this history with 6-inch scale articulated action figures.
From Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack, the distinctive crimson Sazabi joins Gundam Universe!
Product Features
- 6.10 inches (15.50cm) tall
- Made of ABS and PVC
- From Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
- Highly detailed
- Fully articulated
- Other figure shown not included
Box Contents
- MSN-04 Sazabi figure
- Interchangeable right hands
- Beam rifle
- Beam tomahawk
General Safety Warning: Products may contain sharp points, small parts, choking hazards, and other elements not suitable for children under 12 years old.